About Us

Dr. Nalini Rajamannan is a heart valve expert in the field of cardiovascular medicine. She earned her undergraduate science pre-professional degree from the University of Notre Dame, her Medical Doctorate from Mayo Medical School and her post-graduate training in Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the Mayo Clinic and Research Fellowship on the NIH training Grant. She also worked at the Mayo Clinic as a staff consultant in Internal Medicine and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University and the Lakeside and Westside VA. Currently, she practices consultative valvular medicine and Osteocardiology at Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology and Valvular Institute, Wisconsin.

Press releases

Northwestern University and Edwards Lifesciences Catastrophic Failure to...

Sheboygan, WI,  In August 2020 , Senior Leadership at one of Chicago’s top Universities, Northwestern in Evanston and Chicago, failed to heed... read more

10.08.2020 • By Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Cardiology and Valvular Institute
